
Prayer Request
Do you have a need for a prayer for you or a loved one? Let us know and we will add it to our Prayer List.


Unsaved Family and Friends
Paul's Mom - Edna
Wes - Ranger Training
Neighbor Debbie - Sale of home
Betty Kincart - Knee
Sabrina - upcoming foot surgery
Cecila Boring
Denise's Dad
Charlie - Job
Stout Family in their loss
Our Outreach Ministry
Gracie - 8 yrs young - breathing problems
Andy - health and his family
Todd Dekryger family in their loss
Those with addictions
Brittany Wetzel - recovery migrane
Mindy - loss of Mother
Estel Grove - cancer
Seal Family
Bill Bostock - broken bones
Kevin's Mom - broken arm
Luke - baby - infection
Jim's Mom - recovery
Ed Merkt - Job
Kenny - ask God to lift him up
Renee - cancer
Roger's Mom
Roger's Aunt Peg - broken ankle
Betty Kincart's brother - Jim
Nick's sister
Jeff - Ron and Fred's brother - high blood pressure
Dillion - Ken's friend - hospital
Dale Brown - recovery surgery
Maynard - fitting for prosthesis
Larry -memory loss
Malachi - 10 yr old pneumonia
Nick's sister
Tanya's Dad - Dale - eye problems
Our country and military
Patty's sister
Jeff -high blood pressure
Betty Sizemore - pneumonia
Dave - work accident
Anna Terrill - cancer
Nick's cousin - Jacob
Taylor - kidneys- dialysis
Kim's Aunt Becky - cancer
Barb Hodges
Melissa - breast cancer
Shell Family - Denise's brother
Mark Gundlach - nerve problem
Larry - memory loss
Dillion - Ken's friend
Jean Ake - recovering from surgery
Andy - waiting for transplant
Patty's sister and her husband
Paul's Dad - Jim
Fred -
Eileen - ovarian cancer & strength for her husband, John
Libby-  back
Becky Bennett - cancer
Jeanne Turner's mother
Nancy Stuard    
Nanette Wood
Christine Applegate- cancer
Mr. Eckel - bone cancer
Carole B-cousin son-in-law –Bill -cancer
Taylor-kidney problems
Travis' Aunt Church
Richard-Tanya’s brother-in-law
Molly Locaputo-10 yrs old kidneys
Carole B’s brother-Jerry - cancer
Cora Sopcisak
Carole Bastian
Barb - surgery in January
Nora’s Granddaughter
Cindy Hogman-cancer
Mickey’s Mom & Dad
Andrew - cancer
Angie Smith
Those who have lost loved ones
Steve Mund - brain cancer

Our Missionaries---Buchanan, Harmon, Weber, Terrado, Niczon, Sopcisak

Our Military - Wes - Paul's son in Afghanistan, Austin Donawerth - Basics
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